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Monday, July 22, 2013

The Story Tellers...

Do we choose our experiences? Or do they choose us? 

Have you ever noticed how in a party there is one or two people who have all the funny stories? Who have all the correct contextual  anecdotes?

Are they making them up? Not really. They are what we call the seekers. They seek experiences. For them life is all about the stories. The little memories. They are the story tellers. 

For them a day without a story is a day wasted. Every conversation with them starts with either a "Guess what?..." or a "There was this one time..." 

And we all gather around them listening to their stories and life experiences and making memories that last. 

They teach us to touch life, to feel it. To live everyday as though its our last. 

They seek out their life story, and not the other way round. The day each of us learn to live life that way, is when we have truly embraced life for what it is. 

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