Walking through the FoodHall at DLF Promenade, I was amazed at the wide variety of food items. Each carefully categorized and marked, my mind couldn't stop wondering how simple life would be if everything came marked with its own expiry date.
Every relationship with its own shelf life, carefully stowed away and savored until it reaches its expiry date. Life would be simpler cause then it will be easier to move on.
No heartbreaks... no insecurities... no bad blood. Just a constant reminder that we need to make most of what is left in the relationship jar before it expires. While all the time carefully and consciously stocking up for the next set of relationship jars.
Relationships are also categorized in sets of consumer durables and perishables. The durable ones are the ones that we treat like most durables in our lives...very similar to the furniture in our house. As always paying more than required attention to the perishables.
However it's the durable ones that pull us through every time the perishables expire.
Every relationship has its shelf life. Sometimes we outlive the shelf life... sometimes the shelf life outlives us...