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Thursday, April 13, 2017

Strong Women - Unicorn of the Human Race?

Are women strong? Or is it the male dominated society's way of telling women to be emotionally unavailable. Will the world be a better place if we were all emotionally unavailable? A place where no one pours their heart out. Not coz they don't know how, but coz they don't feel the need to. A perfect place where its every man or woman for himself/herself.

Is that the world we would be happier living in? Is that the society that I would want my 13 year old daughter to grow up in?

If a woman is emotionally available then does that make her a weak person?

Is a strong woman the present day unicorn of the human society? Is it fair on our part to expect the so called strong woman to always have her act together? Is she not entitled to a momentary lapse of sanity? Should her image of a strong woman as set by the societal expectations overrule her need for a support system?

A system that won't question her decisions with "Come on! How can you say that?" Its more difficult for us to come out in the open an accept that we need help. That's when the support system steps in...Without our personal emotional trainers we will all fall apart. But seeking help doesn't a weak woman make. It just makes you a strong person with momentary weakness.

Its hard to find people who will love you no matter what. When you do that... hold onto them for dear life :)

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